Friday, July 27, 2012

Keiki Hula & Tahitian, update

Aloha kākou!

Simply an update: Everyone shouldʻve gotten an email regarding my preset absences and the slight change in schedule; however, we are still here. Military flights are very unpredictable, so if I am still on island for the next week, I will be at all classes for Keiki Hula & Tahitian.  Please see schedule below:

Keiki Hula (Sun), ages 3-12
July 29 0900-1000
Aug 05 0900-1000
Aug 12 1015-1115 (need the buffer in between Tahitian and Hula)
Aug 19 1015-1115, 1130-1200 rehearsal (please bring costumes)
Aug 26 1015-1115, 1130-1200 rehearsal (please bring costumes)
Other rehearsal dates and times TBD

Tahitian (Sun)
July 29 1030-1130 (I will email if any changes by July 28)
Aug 05 1030-1130 (I will email if any changes by Aug 03)
Aug 12 0900-1000 (I will email if any changes by Aug 05)
Aug 19 0900-1000
Aug 26 0900-1000

Tahitian (Tue)
No changes, except for the half hour make-up on Aug 28 (class from 1930-2100). Please come to class every Tuesday from 1930-2030.

Please email with any questions or concerns about classes or upcoming performances.

Mahalo a me Mauruuru!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tahitian Kick-off :D

Yay! What a workout! Mauruuru! 

Quick clarification and an update to next week's schedule (kalamai, I forgot about my Hong Kong vacation...Yikes!)...

Tuition is Y5000/month for either Tuesdays (7:30p-8:30p) or Sundays (9am-10am), not both classes as they may end up overfilling in the future.

Exception for July (I will be in Hong Kong next week, so here are the make-up options this month...)

Sunday, 15 July 9am-10am
Tuesday, 24 July 7:30p-9p (1hr30m)
Tuesday, 31 July 7:30p-9p (1hr30m)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Keiki Hula & Tahitian

Hula Studio at Masonic Building Room 204 is finally open, and Keiki Hula classes have officially begun!  Please view schedule below and forward along to whomever you think might be interested. This monthʻs songs: Kuʻu Papale Lauhala (Great grandaunt Aina Kekoʻolani Keawe) and Ulupalakua (John Piʻilani Watkins).  We have lots to learn in our hālau studies and have already begun our ʻoli and ʻolelo. Hiki no!

Additionally, we are going to try out Tahitian classes, beginning tomorrow Tuesday, July 10 from 7:30p-8:30p. Please bring a towel, water, and donation coins for A/C. :-) We will need it.

Lastly, there is one more summer hula workshop being taught by myself, my mother Kumu Kuʻumomialoha, and kuʻu kaikaina Makanaalohapumehana.  They are both teachers of hula in Kapolei, Oʻahu, and I am lucky to have them even just for a few weeks to share their manaʻo with myself, my keiki, and you as well.  Participants will learn kahiko hula Kilauea (dance and chant) as well as KHBC (Vicki Rodrigues). We will also preview Na Vaqueros (Kuana Torres) for a possible workshop in the near future.

Mahalo ā nui to ʻAnake Josa Ampong for allowing us the much needed studio space and time to practice hula and Tahitian. I am truly grateful for such wonderful extended ʻohana! Please see below Hui Nohona Alohaʻs hula schedule as well. This is our sister hālau and is available to wahine (women) ages 18+. Mahalo once again, Aunty Josa!

A'ohe hana nui ka alu'ia.
United we stand, divided we fall. No task is too big when done together.

Hui Nohona Aloha Hula Classes
630pm-730pm Beginners
730pm-9pm Advanced/Intermediate

630pm-730pm Make-up/Refresher class

Registration fee Y5000 per student due second month
Registration renewal Y1500 per student