(Quick lesson....Enjoy!)
"Visitors to Hawai‘i quickly became accustomed to the lei as an expression
of welcome and hospitality. Poet laureate, Don Blanding, thought that
Hawai‘i should have a day set aside to celebrate and recognize the
custom of giving and receiving lei. While working at the Honolulu Star
Bulletin, Don discussed the idea with “Kamaaina Kolumn” columnist
Grace Tower Warren. She enthusiastically embraced the idea and
suggested that the day should be May Day and coined the phrase May
Day is Lei Day. Inspired by their zeal, Leonard “Red” and Ruth Hawk, a
musician, composed May Day is Lei Day in Hawai‘i. This song resonates
throughout every Lei Day celebration in the State of Hawai‘i."
Next up...performances and dates to mark:
- There will be no Sunday classes this month - family time priority. Please use the Tuesday classes, which will stay open for all students. If you know of any potential students, please direct them to the Tuesday class times
- Please see post prior to this for pics of our keiki. Halau Facebook page in the works.
- Mahalo for all who responded "yay" or "nay" for the performances listed (Michelle, please let me know if you have any Asian Pacific assemblies planned for your school and whether you think our keiki can perform a number for it). I will have a set of line-ups shortly
- Fri, 3 May @ KES (morning) - Asian Pacific assembly - Hoku, Kanoe, Kaleo
- Sat, 11 May @ 1:30 (1:00-2:00), Torii Beach - Tracianneʻs friends birthday party - only one or two keiki & Tracianne
- Tue, 14 May @ Bob Hope (afternoon) - Asian Pacific assembly - Emily, Kieanna, Sienna, Peni, Shayla
- Fri, 24 May @ 7:00pm, Hansen - 5 keiki
- Fri, 1 June (evening) Camp Shields
- Sat, 8 June @ Torii Beach - Mustafaaʻs sonʻs graduation party - all keiki
- Sat, 22 or 29 June, Hoʻike (basically a performance for family and friends to come and see what the keiki have learned, to include ʻolelo, kahiko, tahitian, and possibly maori by then) - all keiki
Other dates to note:
- 1 May - May Day is Lei Day in Hawaiʻi Nei! :D
- 1 May @ Studio, 6:00pm - 7:30pm - Na Vaqueros workshop Y2000 (ages 18+ only)
- 12 May Happy Motherʻs Day! Hau'oli la na Mama!
- 19 May Lei Poʻo workshop with Taylor McKeague (highly recommended, sign up in the studio, Y1200-Y1500 adults only)
- 9 June Kealiʻi Reichel concert (contact saki@studiosaki.com)
- 11 June - Kamehameha Day :D