Monday, March 31, 2014

'Uniki update and April schedule

YAY!! Thank you to Uncle Mike (Shayla's dad), we have Rodriguez Pavilion confirmed for May 10th!  A map is further below, but more information follows here.  Please bring any spaghetti jars or tall glass jars you may be throwing out. I'll be using these for centerpieces. :)
Date: May 10, 2014
Time: 12noon ~ whenever, kaukau time (eating) @1pm
Potluck ~ family and friends welcome!

-Please be there by 1130 at the latest to set up your costumes
-We'll try our best to create a stage area, but I'm not sure where I can get the materials for that.
-If anyone knows anyone with a PA we can borrow or rent, please let us know
-We will be making or learning to make the lei po'o, kupe'e, shell lei, and flower lei throughout April

Tentative Line up:
(Links to iTunes/Youtube songs provided.) Kaikamahine in pink. 'Opio in orange. Everyone in gray.

  1. Oli Aloha (All, then only na 'opio and keiki kane will stay on stage)
    1. red or black pa'u bottom, white or black top, lei po'o, kupe'e
  2. Kawika
    1. red or black pa'u bottom, white or black top, lei po'o, kupe'e (workshop needed)
  3. Kino'ole Fireman's Ball
    1. Easter/holiday dress, any color
  4. Laupahoehoe Hula (boys)
    1. shorts, lei, lei po'o
  5. Anahola (implements need to be near or on stage)
    1. white or blue pa'u bottom, white top, ti leaf lei, white flower
  6. Sophisticated Hula (all girls)
    1. 'opio stay in white and blue; kaikamahine in green tape and white
  7. Aloha Week Hula
    1. green tape skirt, white top, yellow lei, plumeria clip (I have these accessories)
    1. Waikaloa (na 'opio)
      1. White top, white bottom, lei po'o (from Kawika), shell or coconut kupe'e (I have these)
    2. Kahana Malie (all students)
      1. same as Waikaloa and Pupu Hinuhinu (below)
    3. Pupu Hinuhinu
      1. white top, white bottom, shell lei po'i, shell kupe'e
    4. Kanani and Danni
    5. Kanani
    6. Tahitian (keiki): Otea Pae Pae, Te Manu, Te Manu fast, Duos
      1. Full outfit: white with yellow overlay, red band, headpiece (handmade), 'i'i, shell lei
    7. Tahitian (wahine) ??
    8. Tahitian wahine solo
    9. Me ka Maluhia (all PLUS MOMS :D)
      1. aqua/white/green dress or shirt with white skirt, gardenia 
    10. Certificates
    11. PARTY!!
    'Apelila is just about here, so we will finally begin preparations for 'uniki. (No more wrestling YAY!!) Please see the schedule and notes below, and let me know if you have any questions. All performance details are on the blog, including costume requirements. Lynn and Theresa, I will have the costumes at the studio this Tuesday along with the costs from our seamstress should you not know how to sew it on your own. Please bring any spaghetti jars or tall glass jars you may be throwing out. I'll be using these for centerpieces. :)

    April 1- at studio
    April 8 - spring break! Let's potluck at Torii beach! 12noon on the camping side. Kids can play, practice, AND learn how to make lei po'o and lei for 'uniki. I will bring the plants you will need to try and collect before then. I will collect as much as I can as well.
    April 15 - studio
    April 22, 29 - beach or studio depending on weather

    Tuesday, March 18, 2014

    'Uniki, update

    Aloha kakou!

    The date for 'uniki has changed - It will be on May 10th; however, our last hula class will still be on Tuesday, April 29th.  So much to do, so little time. ;)  We are hoping to get Rodriguez Pavilion for the location so that it is still outdoors but fully covered.  It will be a huge potluck/party so I'm really hoping most, if not all, of you can make it.

    Since April has five Tuesdays, I'd like to take up all five for hula and preparations. As you will see in the line-up below, there are a few items we will definitely need to work on as a group.  If the weather is nice, we will meet up at the beach on the 22nd and/or the 29th. The other three/four classes will be at the studio.  At one of these meet-ups, I will also be giving out the lei and flower accessories. For whoever stays with the halau, please keep them at home. For those of you who are leaving after 'uniki, please return them to the studio for the halau to keep.  I appreciate it. Everyone, I will be working on using up all the material I have left over for the remainder of costumes we do not have. Please bare with me. When wrestling is over, I will have time to sit and wala'au with you all after practices.

    I've attached the Tahitian songs, Pae Pae (entrance), Te Manu (both kaikamahine and 'opio versions) along with Symphony of Drums ('opio duos). Shayla and the boys will take the drumbeat at the end of the 'opio Te Manu with everyone else doing their duo with Symphony of Drums. I've noted the minutes/seconds for each group on the line up.

    Looking forward to graduation when your keiki go from haumana to 'olapa. I'm so proud of all of them! Maika'i kela! Hiki no 'kakou!


    Tentative Line up:
    1. Oli Kahea and Oli Aloha
    2. Kawika
      1. red pa'u bottom, black or red top (I will provide these), lei po'o and kupe'e set (workshop 4/22)
    3. Pupu Hinuhinu (Kaikamahine)
      1. white pa'u bottom, white top, shell lei, shell po'o, shell bracelets (workshop 4/29)
    4. Laupahoehoe Hula (boys)
      1. shorts, lei
    5. Anahola
      1. blue or white pa'u bottom, blue or white top, ti leaf lei (need to make), white flower
    6. Aloha Week Hula
      1. green tape skirt (or ti leaf skirt? workshop 4/22), white top, yellow lei, red flower
    7. Waikaloa (na 'opio)
      1. White top, white bottom, bead or flower lei (workshop 4/29), flower
    8. Kahana Malie
      1. same
    9. Kino'ole Fireman's Ball
      1. aloha/easter/party dress, matching lei (workshop 4/29)
    10. He Papale (kaikamahine)
      1. same but with papale (need matching lei po'o)
      1. Kanani and Danni
      2. Kanani
      3. 'Aparima/Ahuroa (na wahine)
      4. Otea (na wahine)
      5. Tahitian: Intro (Pae Pae), Te Manu, Duo/Solo (Symphony of Drums)
        1. White skirt, yellow overlay, red band with deco, headdress, yellow 'i'i, black tank/top, shell lei
        2. Boys: khaki shorts, yellows, lei po'o (make 4/22)
          1. Intro (Pae Pae)
          2. Te Manu (by Lanakila's Polynesians) - Kaikamahine, leave during beginning of next Te Manu
          3. Te Manu (by Poi Dog Pondering) - Na 'Opio...KK, Pili, and Shayla end
          4. Symphony of Drums:
            1. Anela Tracianne (00:00 to 00:45)
            2. Autumn Kanoe (00:46 to 1:26)
            3. Hoku Nalani (2:26 to 3:08)
            4. Kaleo Reina (3:52 to end 4:33)
      6. Me Ka Maluhia
      7. Hawai'i Aloha - everyone join in!

      Thursday, March 6, 2014

      March Tahitian Workshop, 3/30 @10-12


      Workshop date change onegaishimasu! :)  This month's workshop will be Sunday, March 30 from 10am to noon. I have also changed the song selection to an Ote'a called Pehe Tahiti Ora.  That is an iTunes link, but I will provide an edited version to everyone who attends the workshop. The cost (Y4000, pay upon arrival) and basic schedule will remain the same:

      30min Basics
      05min Break
      30min Aparima/Otea
      10min Break/Write-up
      30min Aparima/Otea finish
      15min Cool-down/Stretch/Questions

      Again, keiki ages 10-16 are allowed to join as long as they can handle the 2hr session (1.5hr cardio).
